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Cloth pads in the drugstore?

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Cloth sanitary napkins are on the rise, because more and more women are looking for alternative monthly hygiene and products that are sustainable and protect the environment and their wallets equally. Moreover, the purchase of such monthly products is firmly linked to certain shopping habits in our mind. So it makes perfect sense to buy sanitary towels, tampons and other menstrual hygiene items in a drugstore. But so far there are no cloth sanitary towels there. However, that does not have to mean that it will stay that way.

Because drugstores, like the German "DM" in particular, are mostly known for making a lot of progress in terms of sustainability about their offered products as they are listening to their community on the Internet. So it can be quite useful not only to inquire by the local market but also to activate other women and to bring up the topic on Facebook or Instagram. Because the thing is actually quite simple: if there is a demand, one or the other drugstore will consider whether the product range should not be expanded to include cloth sanitary towels.

Washable sanitary towels

Washable sanitary towels used perfectly normal, but now you have to look for them like a needle in a haystack. An alternative to the drugstore shelf are selling points like unpackaged shops, of which there are more and more, organic shops but also practices of gynecologists, alternative practitioners and midwives or also shops which offer cloth diapers. You can find an ever-expanding list of providers that carry washable sanitary towels or cloth sanitary towels from ALMO here. There you will also find many events where you can learn more about alternative menstrual hygiene and cloth sanitary towels. Fabric sanitary towels you can touch, so to speak, because many women have prejudices and can not really imagine how a fabric sanitary napkin works in everyday life, how it can be stored in a used condition and much more.

It will probably take some time before there will be washable sanitary napkins in the range of drugstores. However, since fabric sanitary napkins have a long lifespan and it is not necessary to buy fabric sanitary towels at the drugstore every month, as you have been used to, there is nothing to prevent you from ordering them online. In the ALMO shop you get fabric sanitary towels that have been tried and tested and will exceed your expectations. As you are used to from conventional sanitary towels, the fabric sanitary towels have an absorbent core and wings that you can use to attach them to your panties. The wings are simply wrapped around your panties and buttoned at the bottom.

What will surprise you is the cozy feeling in the pants, because a plastic bandage can not achieve that.

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