Cloth sanitary towels have more advantages compared with conventional sanitary napkins. The most important advantage for me is easy to explain, but for you as a reader it is maybe (still) difficult to understand.
Cloth pads give you a cozy feeling in your pants.
You are now probably wondering how that can be. As a menstruating woman/girl, you've probably tried numerous brands and sizes of menstrual pads. And they can hardly be described as "cuddly", do they? There are several reasons why they aren't. First of all, conventional sanitary napkins have a plastic strip on the underside. Everyone of us should know that plastic is not exactly breathable, right? We don't exactly associate plastic with the feeling of coziness. Plastic is a real cuddle killer. Plastic ensures that wetness and moisture build up.
That brings me straight to the second disadvantage: everywhere where moisture builds up, odours develop. This cannot be avoided, no matter how absorbent the core of the menstrual pad can be. Let's not kid ourselves: it is not a blue transparent liquid that leaves our female body every month, nor is it light pink or red like wine. Menstrual blood can not be compared to coloured water or a bleeding wound. The consistency is just completely different. And I think it's time we talk about these topics. We live in the 21st century and there is still so much to revolutionize. Let's get started! Half the world is made of people who will bleed monthly in the future, who are already bleeding, or who have already finished to bleed. From whom or what do we actually have to hide?
But let's get back to the benefits of sanitary napkins. You always have them at home. No more running to the nearest supermarket because your cycle is going crazy again. By the way, this is completely normal. Maybe your body is trying to tell you something. So next time try to be less annoyed about it, but rather listen to yourself. The menstrual period has a lot to do with letting go, a new begin. And it is influenced by diet and stress. So, you always have a cloth pad from ALMO at hand, ready to use. They are really absorbent and colorful. Life can be colorful and beautiful - even or especially when we have our menstrual cycle. Clinical white is out of place in our pants.
I've already mentioned the plastic thing. Cloth sanitary napkins hardly need any plastic and are therefore not only good for the cuddly feeling in the pants, but also for the environment. We really don't need any more plastic in this world. Last but not least, you will also save yourself a huge amount of money. Because ALMO's sanitary towels are washable. So you can reuse them every month. ALMO's sanitary napkins have two other advantages: they are made in Germany. You not only support a clean environment avoiding the use of more plastic, but also tailors who earn their keep by sewing them. The production in Germany also ensures short transport routes. As you can see, there are tons of benefits when you choose sanitary towels.
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